bdaybootcamp | Laina Rauma


9 min read Sunday, January 5th, 2025

Alright. So my birthday is in Feb and with all the chaos of 2024, especially towards the end of the year with the holiday season and the fact that I have brought all of the fulfillment for LR in house, (best decision I ever made by the way!!! If you have your own business this is something I must stress. After trying two different fulfillment companies over the years - nobody will ever care like you do. Keep it in house.) I needed to design a little personalized "bootcamp" for myself because health & wellness is such a HUGE part of my life and when it's off, I'm off. There's no better time to start (for me) than in January because I feel I am setting the habitual tone for my year. Once I got a groove that works, I refuse to function without it. I truly believe - nah, I know, that the focus I have put on my health and wellbeing (mentally & physically) over the past 10 years has been an integral factor in any success I've had and has also been an anchor and a life boat through my failures, trials & tribulations.

I am obsessed with this shit okay. I do a ton of research and I consult doctors before doing anything major. Doctors both conventional medicine and holistic. Naturopaths, acupuncturists, energy workers, healers, surgeons, nurses, biohackers. I talk to them all. I used to take all kinds of supplements and trouble shoot and waste a shit ton of money and piss half of it out (because your body can only absorb so much), buy really expensive supplements that are actually bullshit and in some cases even toxic.. so be mindful. I so so so recommend getting some bloodwork done to see where you specifically are at. It may feel tedious and annoying but it will actually save you so much time and money.

Okay so for me, I have been working with a functional medicine doctor for a couple of years on my gut health. Leaky gut is extremely common and there are different levels on how bad it can be. STRESS, my babies!!! Stress ruins your gut!!! Also bullshit food and drinking and smoking and life, basically. I first had to supplement activated charcoal to "clean up the mess" because when your stomach lining isn't protecting you and things are leaking into your blood stream, you've got some cleaning up to do. I then supplemented an antibiotic for yeast, a really good probiotic and l-glutamine to repair my stomach lining. (this was not a short process - at least 5-6 months) I also take BPC and sermorelin which are phenomenal peptides that I get from a hormone doctor which I absolutely 100% recommend for any woman mid 30's and up. Not necessarily the peptides. I mean, yes they are fucking amazing but not crucial they're just like an amazing extra and again, I'm just being open about what *I* do as a health nut who is extremely fascinated with the science of biohacking. But personal hormone awareness in general. Just start getting familiar with your hormone levels and asking questions because your aging process will be so much more enjoyable and comfortable. If you notice major moodswings during your period, shit sleeps, weight that won't seem to budge, skin issues, hair issues.. It's really, really beneficial to see where your hormones are at. Bloodwork is your friend!!! Specific knowledge on you and your body that you can use as a guidebook like YES. You want that information.

So now I'm in a place where the gut health is back on track. (At least it feels like it? I have follow up bloodwork on the 27.. ) I cannot stress how important this. Happiness is created in the gut. I know they call your gut your second brain but I'd argue it's the first (we gotta work on the word rankings lol) but who reacts first the gut or the mind. The mind has a lot going on. The gut is action. What saves your life or pulls you towards people, an opportunity or experience that might be life changing. The inner knowing. Gut instincts. Solar plexus. Purpose. You. To maintain that, I do bone broth once a day with 2 scoops of bovine gelatin, squeeze of lemon, celtic sea salt, pepper and ginger. That's 30g of protein which as women, we really need to be sure we are getting a sufficient amount of protein and the amino acid profile on the bovine gelatin is incredible. Amino acids are very very important. For your hormones, gut health, immune funcion, overall body function.. I use Perfect Supplements and you can get it on amazon. Right now for my 6 week bday bootcamp I'm doing bone broth 3x a day because I started the first week of the year doing the 8 Day Owl Venice Reset which is just something I wanted to try because it really focuses on healthy digestion, gut health(!!) and chronobiology which was intriguing to me. Again, I've tried SO many things and will continue to. Everyone in my life knows I'm basically always down to try the new thing and conduct little science experiments on myself. So with the Owl Venice Reset I have 3 smoothies a day and 3 broths a day and I am "allowed" to eat quinoa, kale, sweet potato, cooked veggies, avocado, berries, salmon and organic ground chicken/turkey. Very bland and boring but my body is very happy. No bloating or inflammation. 6 days in and my skin looks more balanced and my tummy is calm. I'm drinking tons of water and supplementing very very little. Moringa, Vitamin D3 + k2, Maca, Magnesium, Echinacea, Berberine and the best probiotic I've ever tried which is Mega SporeBiotic (seriously I've tried so many MF probiotics - this one is legit & recommended by my doctor). At night I make a little cocktail of Optimize Minerals, LypoSpheric Glutathione for detox and Vitamin C. After these 8 days are complete I will continue on a similar diet while probably allowing myself a few more treats cuz a girl needs her treats. But I have to say over the years my treats have changed drastically. Fast food doesn't really hit the way it used to. Except fries!!! DUH. But I'd rather make a burger at home with like a big delicious salad drenched in dressing or make a big pasta or something with real ingredients y'know. Just more satisfying. Or like a really really good buttery gooey chocolate chip cookie or glass of wine although I have to be really real I've decided to basically cut alcohol out of my life this year. It just takes more than it gives. That's where I'm at with it. If I'm on vacation or it's a really special occasion I might partake, if I feel like it. But alcohol takes more than it gives to my life so that's where I'm leaving it. Oh and I've had a few questions about this but I don't really do protein shakes anymore. They make me feel bloated and I don't digest cold foods too well. Working with an acupuncturist and having a visit from Feng Shui master I've learned warm/cooked foods are better for my digestion. Cold foods can create too much dampness in the body.

Workouts. I'm a very passionate fitness girl too. I need to MOVE. First of all, we all need to move. We wake up just bursting with kinetic energy that wants to MOVE. Please, give it an outlet. Stretch, walk, hike, run, lift weights, yoga, pilates, boxing. I do all of the above. I LOVE lifting weights. I LOVEEE boxing. I love feeling strong. I work with a trainer on and off because I love to be challenged but I've been training for at least 15 years now so I know what to do y'know. If you don't know where to start and you don't wanna spend on a trainer ($$$) there are some seriously good apps out there and I've tried WorkoutsByKatya TammyFit and FORM. I love the workouts on FORM because you can combine strength and pilates and you can do it right in your living room just buy a mat and weights on amazon. Right now, I'm working out 2x a day 5 days a week, something light on Saturday whether it be pilates or a run and rest on Sundays. I told you it was birthday bootcamp! I feel I've been too comfortable in my routine for a while and I've kinda plateaued. Right now I want a challenge. I want to see results. For my 2-a-days during the week I'm doing either pilates and a run/walk or weight lifting and a run/walk. I don't kill myself but I want to see results so yes, I make sure I am WORKED OUT. I love it. It makes me feel alive and HAPPY and powerful and I just feel like moving my body every day is showing it how much I appreciate it. Every night I lay in bed and thank God for my healthy body and the fact that it can move when I want to MOVE. I do not take that for granted. I want to continue to move, dance, hike, swim, have a healthy sex life no matter what age I am so I want to keep my muscles working! And growing with me.

To help me recover I do deep tissue massage, salt baths, lots of stretching and acupuncture. Red light therapy every night really helps recovery and relaxtion (seriously pick a good audiobook and throw the red light on and I doze off no matter if I'm tired or not) and dry sauna with infrared light is everything! I will also be going back to lymphatic massage a couple times a month which I feel is great to just help the body detox and flush things out. Through breath work and acupuncture I have learned that stagnancy in the body is a big no no. Everything is connected. Your physical affects your mental and your spiritual and vice versa. It is all connected. If you're going to do all this make sure to also do your skincare. Do your make-up when you feel like it. Put on some glittery eyeshadow. Get your nails done. Fill your home with flowers and use your most delicious fragrance - don't save it for later. Slather on the thickest most luxurious body lotion. Light your candles, wear your beautiful clothes. Let your happiness beam out your eyes and chest like a care bear. LOVE YOURSELF. You were given you to take care of. Very very important job.

I love you. If you have any questions holler at me in the DM I'll answer it in my next post. xx