DAY 6.
One thing I’ve realized as a creative person who has made a career out of my biggest creative passion is how important it is for me to do absolutely nothing. Actually, it’s probably one of the the larger parts of my creative process. Today I had all these plans to finish my 2024 design and release schedule and work on my vision board and update my website and I was so juiced up to turn my phone on do not disturb and just float away into my little-big dreamworld and start putting it onto paper.. but I got stopped in my tracks when my period arrived a week early. (Normal for me during a detox). So, my body decided it wanted to do nothing today. I took a shower and did my skincare routine and took a nap with my cats. Tho I couldn’t really sleep and kept getting prompted with this idea for my next release so I hit my production manager and made some notes and although I did not need this day to be productive (because I had already decided to give my body exactly what it wanted) - it ended up being so. And I think that’s how life can go. When you release and allow things to flow, you often get pleasantly surprised with a little magic.
There are a lot of conflicting thoughts around the “new year” beginning in January. It doesn’t really make any sense. We are still in the middle of winter and we naturally still want to hibernate and rest. The astrological new year begins in the Spring, in Aries Season, when the snow thaws and new life starts to sprout. This makes perfect sense to me. Aries being ruled by Mars. Action. That said, I like to use the energy of both. I think there is something special about the world all celebrating something at once. New Year’s Eve/Day. And there’s a lot of energy and power there. In humanity feeling hope in a fresh start and sending blessings of health and prosperity and good energy to each other. It’s also Capricorn season. Cap being ruled by Saturn. Putting in the work and effort. Trusting in the long game. Blessings that last in sticking to that plan. All this to say, I think January is for a special kind of initiating in your life. To rest and think and methodically plan while laying in your cave and daydreaming (or actually dreaming 😴) and then writing those plans/thoughts/steps down in your journal, maybe starting your calendar and laying some ground work or planting some seeds. Taking the initial behind the scenes steps. Preparing yourself physically and mentally. And we do that by allowing ourselves to just daydream, hide away and rest, jotting exciting ideas down, nourishing our bodies with good food and having our winter. Do “nothing” and know that it is something. Initiating an intentional rest and plan period, in preparation for your GO period is something. Nobody can go forever without a proper break. Or a decent (even a loose) plan. Well, they can but what is the quality of their life and creations?
So just stop. Everything. Nothing is something.
Love you.
See you tomorrow.
xx L